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The forward-auth Plugin implements a classic external authentication model. When authentication fails, you can have a custom error message or redirect the user to an authentication page.

This Plugin moves the authentication and authorization logic to a dedicated external service. APISIX forwards the user's requests to the external service, blocks the original request, and replaces the result when the external service responds with a non 2xx status code.


NameTypeRequiredDefaultValid valuesDescription
uristringTrueURI of the authorization service.
ssl_verifybooleanFalsetrueWhen set to true, verifies the SSL certificate.
request_methodstringFalseGET["GET","POST"]HTTP method for a client to send requests to the authorization service. When set to POST the request body is send to the authorization service.
request_headersarray[string]FalseClient request headers to be sent to the authorization service. If not set, only the headers provided by APISIX are sent (for example, X-Forwarded-XXX).
upstream_headersarray[string]FalseAuthorization service response headers to be forwarded to the Upstream. If not set, no headers are forwarded to the Upstream service.
client_headersarray[string]FalseAuthorization service response headers to be sent to the client when authorization fails. If not set, no headers will be sent to the client.
timeoutintegerFalse3000ms[1, 60000]msTimeout for the authorization service HTTP call.
keepalivebooleanFalsetrueWhen set to true, keeps the connection alive for multiple requests.
keepalive_timeoutintegerFalse60000ms[1000, ...]msIdle time after which the connection is closed.
keepalive_poolintegerFalse5[1, ...]msConnection pool limit.
allow_degradationbooleanFalsefalseWhen set to true, allows authentication to be skipped when authentication server is unavailable.

Data definition#

APISIX will generate and send the request headers listed below to the authorization service:

SchemeHTTP MethodHostURISource IP

Example usage#

First, you need to setup your external authorization service. The example below uses Apache APISIX's serverless Plugin to mock the service:

curl -X PUT '' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"uri": "/auth",
"plugins": {
"serverless-pre-function": {
"phase": "rewrite",
"functions": [
"return function (conf, ctx)
local core = require(\"apisix.core\");
local authorization = core.request.header(ctx, \"Authorization\");
if authorization == \"123\" then
elseif authorization == \"321\" then
core.response.set_header(\"X-User-ID\", \"i-am-user\");
else core.response.set_header(\"Location\", \"\");

Now you can configure the forward-auth Plugin to a specific Route:

curl -X PUT '' \
-H 'X-API-KEY: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1' \
-d '{
"uri": "/headers",
"plugins": {
"forward-auth": {
"uri": "",
"request_headers": ["Authorization"],
"upstream_headers": ["X-User-ID"],
"client_headers": ["Location"]
"upstream": {
"nodes": {
"": 1
"type": "roundrobin"

Now if we send the authorization details in the request header:

curl -H 'Authorization: 123'
"headers": {
"Authorization": "123",
"Next": "More-headers"

The authorization service response can also be forwarded to the Upstream:

curl -H 'Authorization: 321'
"headers": {
"Authorization": "321",
"X-User-ID": "i-am-user",
"Next": "More-headers"

When authorization fails, the authorization service can send custom response back to the user:

curl -i
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

Disable Plugin#

To disable the forward-auth Plugin, you can delete the corresponding JSON configuration from the Plugin configuration. APISIX will automatically reload and you do not have to restart for this to take effect.

curl -H 'X-API-KEY: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1' -X PUT -d '
"methods": ["GET"],
"uri": "/hello",
"plugins": {},
"upstream": {
"type": "roundrobin",
"nodes": {
"": 1