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The error-log-logger Plugin is used to push APISIX's error logs (error.log) to TCP, Apache SkyWalking, Apache Kafka or ClickHouse servers. You can also set the error log level to send the logs to server.

It might take some time to receive the log data. It will be automatically sent after the timer function in the batch processor expires.


NameTypeRequiredDefaultValid valuesDescription
tcp.hoststringTrueIP address or the hostname of the TCP server.
tcp.portintegerTrue[0,...]Target upstream port.
tcp.tlsbooleanFalsefalseWhen set to true performs SSL verification.
tcp.tls_server_namestringFalseServer name for the new TLS extension SNI.
skywalking.endpoint_addrstringFalsehttp:// SkyWalking HTTP endpoint.
skywalking.service_namestringFalseAPISIXService name for the SkyWalking reporter.
skywalking.service_instance_nameStringFalseAPISIX Instance NameService instance name for the SkyWalking reporter. Set it to $hostname to directly get the local hostname.
clickhouse.endpoint_addrStringFalsehttp:// endpoint.
clickhouse.userStringFalsedefaultClickHouse username.
clickhouse.passwordStringFalseClickHouse password.
clickhouse.databaseStringFalseName of the database to store the logs.
clickhouse.logtableStringFalseTable name to store the logs.
kafka.brokersarrayTrueList of Kafka brokers (nodes).
kafka.brokers.hoststringTrueThe host of Kafka broker, e.g,
kafka.brokers.portintegerTrue[0, 65535]The port of Kafka broker
kafka.brokers.sasl_configobjectFalseThe sasl config of Kafka broker
kafka.brokers.sasl_config.mechanismstringFalse"PLAIN"["PLAIN"]The mechaism of sasl config
kafka.brokers.sasl_config.userstringTrueThe user of sasl_config. If sasl_config exists, it's required.
kafka.brokers.sasl_config.passwordstringTrueThe password of sasl_config. If sasl_config exists, it's required.
kafka.kafka_topicstringTrueTarget topic to push the logs for organisation.
kafka.producer_typestringFalseasync["async", "sync"]Message sending mode of the producer.
kafka.required_acksintegerFalse1[0, 1, -1]Number of acknowledgements the leader needs to receive for the producer to consider the request complete. This controls the durability of the sent records. The attribute follows the same configuration as the Kafka acks attribute. See Apache Kafka documentation for more.
kafka.keystringFalseKey used for allocating partitions for messages.
kafka.cluster_nameintegerFalse1[0,...]Name of the cluster. Used when there are two or more Kafka clusters. Only works if the producer_type attribute is set to async.
kafka.meta_refresh_intervalintegerFalse30[1,...]refresh_interval parameter in lua-resty-kafka specifies the time to auto refresh the metadata, in seconds.
timeoutintegerFalse3[1,...]Timeout (in seconds) for the upstream to connect and send data.
keepaliveintegerFalse30[1,...]Time in seconds to keep the connection alive after sending data.
levelstringFalseWARN["STDERR", "EMERG", "ALERT", "CRIT", "ERR", "ERROR", "WARN", "NOTICE", "INFO", "DEBUG"]Log level to filter the error logs. ERR is same as ERROR.

NOTE: encrypt_fields = {"clickhouse.password"} is also defined in the schema, which means that the field will be stored encrypted in etcd. See encrypted storage fields.

This Plugin supports using batch processors to aggregate and process entries (logs/data) in a batch. This avoids the need for frequently submitting the data. The batch processor submits data every 5 seconds or when the data in the queue reaches 1000. See Batch Processor for more information or setting your custom configuration.

Enabling the Plugin#

To enable the Plugin, you can add it in your configuration file (conf/config.yaml):

- request-id
- hmac-auth
- api-breaker
- error-log-logger

Once you have enabled the Plugin, you can configure it through the Plugin metadata.

Configuring TCP server address#

You can set the TCP server address by configuring the Plugin metadata as shown below:

curl -H 'X-API-KEY: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1' -X PUT -d '
"tcp": {
"host": "",
"port": 1999
"inactive_timeout": 1

Configuring SkyWalking OAP server address#

You can configure the SkyWalking OAP server address as shown below:

curl -H 'X-API-KEY: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1' -X PUT -d '
"skywalking": {
"inactive_timeout": 1

Configuring ClickHouse server details#

The Plugin sends the error log as a string to the data field of a table in your ClickHouse server.

You can configure it as shown below:

curl -H 'X-API-KEY: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1' -X PUT -d '
"clickhouse": {
"user": "default",
"password": "a",
"database": "error_log",
"logtable": "t",
"endpoint_addr": ""

Configuring Kafka server#

The Plugin sends the error log to Kafka, you can configure it as shown below:

curl \
-H 'X-API-KEY: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1' -X PUT -d '

Disable Plugin#

To disable the Plugin, you can remove it from your configuration file (conf/config.yaml):

- request-id
- hmac-auth
- api-breaker
# - error-log-logger